(603) 7846 2338 enquiries@etech.com.my

Apple DEP Program

Deploy and configure company iOS devices with ease and security.

Apple DEP Program

The Device Enrolment Program (DEP) is a part of the Apple Deployment Programs (ADP), allowing businesses and education institutions a fast, streamlined way to deploy organisation-owned iOS and OS X devices such as iPads, iPhones, and Mac computers.

Simple Setup, Seamless Configuration

DEP simplifies setup by automating mobile device management (MDM) enrollment and supervision of devices, allowing you to configure your company’s devices without physically touching them, even with large-scale deployment of multiple devices.

Mandatory & Lockable MDM Enrolment

All iOS, macOS, and tvOS devices added to DEP will be enrolled automatically in MDM, allowing for device configurations based on the client’s exact needs.

With Great Supervision Comes Great Control

Wireless supervision provides clients with a high level of device management and control for organization-owned iOS devices, allowing additional restrictions, such as turning off iMessage, AirDrop, and Game Center, and provides web content filtering and single app Mode.

Streamlined Setup Assistant

DEP also makes it easier for your users to set up their iOS devices, Mac computers, and Apple TV, using the MDM solution to configure devices.


Enrol devices that can be set up automatically with MDM.


Purchase apps in bulk and manage licenses for users.


Delete admin privileges and manage content across locations.

Apple Business Manager & Apple School Manager

Both the Apple Business Manager (ABM) and Apple School Manager (ASM) combines into the Apple Device Enrolment Program and Volume Purchase Program (VPP) deploy Mac, iPad, iPhone and Apple TV devices directly to users configured with settings, security controls, apps and books.

Learn More & Enrol

E-Tech IT’s Device Enrolment ID is 10F919B0 and for more info please contact us.


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